
There float, in the business world (especially Government business), many a myth about teaming.

Myth # 1. "Teaming agreements cannot be enforced."
False Well, like all other agreements, yes and no. A teaming agreement that is a 'let's walk down the garden path and see if we (you or I, especially I) can make something happen' is, absent extremely good luck, destined for failure. A teaming agreement that is a contract (a meeting of the minds, between two parties capable of making a bona-fide contract, with identified consideration, to do something that is legal) is just as enforceable as any other bona-fide contract.

This has become almost dogma. If your contracts people are telling you this, it's time to change contracts people, or maybe get some consultation/training to help them (they're probably pretty good people, but have been mislead).

Myth # 2."Teaming agreements make you subservient to the other party."
False You are just as subservient as you agree to be. (See myth #3)

Myth # 3."Teaming Agreements cloud, confuse, obscure or muddle responsibility."
False The contract should state responsibilities, and there are certain principles that must be understood re: prime/sub responsibilities. (See the AN, Ltd. Short Discussion of Prime/Sub Responsibilities)

We don't know why these persist, since even casual teaming can produce positive results, and well-crafted teaming can dramatically improve your lot.

Please Contact AN, Ltd. for expert (we can prove it) teaming consultation and management.